Scheduling a shutdown or reboot of a Windows 2003 Server

Scheduling a shutdown or reboot of a Windows 2003 Server

Using the task scheduler and the Windows utility shutdown it’s quite easy to schedule a reboot of a Windows 2003 Server. On a Windows 2003 Server system, shutdown has a number of useful features. It has the ability to provide the shutdown or reboot reason and comment which will be logged into the system events. The following is the usage output of the shutdown command. Read more about Scheduling a shutdown or reboot of a Windows 2003 Server

Why PST spells EVIL in a corporate environment

Why PST spells EVIL in a corporate environment

I’ve quite often seen in corporate environments the following scenario: The Microsoft Exchange servers have been under specified or outgrown their original requirements which results in disk constraints and ultimately outages. This in turn puts a strain on the IT department to resolve the issue, often without funds or time to do it properly.

So what’s the quick fix? Read more about Why PST spells EVIL in a corporate environment